The sales sheets below give prospective clients a glimpse of the structure and outcomes of the captives we manage. Brokers interested in partnering with Cardinal Captive Strategies are welcome to contact us using the button below to begin the conversation. We also gladly accept inquiries from construction companies seeking greater control of their insurance programs.


A construction-focused group captive for middle-market contractors, Centurion is owned by its members and designed by construction insurance experts to provide workers’ compensation, general liability, and auto liability insurance through Centurion. For more information about our Centurion captive program, please click the icon to download an information sheet, or contact us directly.


A construction-focused group captive owned by NUCA members and designed by construction insurance experts to provide workers’ compensation, general liability, and auto liability insurance through NUCA Assurance. For more information about our NUCA Assurance captive program, please click the icon to download an information sheet, or contact us directly.